Sunday, September 9, 2007

Blog for Week of Sept. 5

That video was pretty crazy. If I was not mesmerized by the text changing, the beat had me on lock. It almost comes across like digital text is breaking the rules of old school and can be precieved as bad, but when in reality it is just a step in the right direction. We live in a world where we want everything fast, fast food, fast shopping, and some people just walk way too fast (coffee I guess). Well what is faster when it comes to communicating than the web right now, nothing I can think of, except for person-to-person, yet that is limited to small audience when compared to the world. The web is still growing and I am sure in ten years we will wonder how we ever got by with that slow internet frrom the double zero's. It relates perfectly to the workforce because it shows that just like any business, the Web 2.0 must consistantly change and adapt to please our society. I think it says we must rethink everything because as we evolve it is human nature to think outside the box to survive. In one-hundred years I highly doubt we will be living the same lifestyle we live today, therefor we must rethink everything.

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