Sunday, December 2, 2007

Crunch Time

Alright, it is officially the last week of the regular season (school). Before I enter the playoffs, I still have to prove myself in two divisional games (Accounting and Finance test) before I know if I am just a wild card or true contender. I have a feeling that I am going to be burnt out this year before exam week, which can never be good. Not to mention I have five exams, one on everyday exams are possible next week, and this Saturday coming up. It is always hard to see how fast the semester goes by and the changes that have occurred throughout the semester. I guess this is just a rant blog, but thanks for listening, I do feel a little better. I am sure if I can just stay focused for two more weeks, I will be one step closer to completing my ultimate goal of graduating. I will only have six more classes to take in the spring and then it is off into the real world, where who knows what I will be doing.

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